Vermont State Mathematics Coalition

Top Scorers 2022-2023, Test 3

Last name First name School Grade Test 3
Zhang* Yuyang South Burlington High School 10 35
Leventhal* Elias CVU HS 11 34
Rowe Allison Essex HS 10 32.5
Bhardwaj Saksham South Burlington High School 12 20
Ellison Nathan MMU HS 11 19
Patel Lav South Burlington High School 10 18.5
Drury Lucy U-32 HS 10 18
Adams Jacob Windsor HS 10 8
Berger Lukas South Burlington High School 10 7
Graham Jacob CVU HS 10 6

Note: The students with an * next to their name indicate a commended solution to the proof problem.

Latest Update: March 10, 2023