2023-2024 Talent Search Test 2 Top Scorers

Last name
First nameSchoolGradeTest 1
Graham*JacobCVU HS1236
Zhang*YuyangSouth Burlington HS1236
Renner*ElijahThetford Academy1136
PatelLavSouth Burlington HS1234.75
HillAlyssaCVU HS1234.5
LindowOwenVermont Commons School1134
HollanderJoeSouth Burlington HS1131
BondAldenU-32 HS1130.5
RicklefsWylieCVU HS1230
HerrmannEricaNEK Homeschool1024
HerrmannRachelNEK Homeschool1223
VernonJonBurr and Burton Academy1123
DesjardinNalahMontpelier HS1123
ZhaoYiweiLyndon Institute1222
DulingKateBFA Fairfax1219.5
ChandlerTankBurlington HS917
NicholsonClayCVU HS1113

The students with an * next to their name indicate a commended solution to the proof problem.